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About LIfe mentor

What is it?

Someone to help you through life by using their experience and knowledge  to act as a sounding board for you in your life. Someone who will help you choose directions for you. Someone who listens and  perhaps even makes suggestions.

 Importantly, it is NOT counselling. If counselling is what you seek, then see a professional counsellor.

What does it cost?

Nothing more than perhaps a cup of coffee when we meet.

How will it work?

We meet and chat over coffee or tea (if you prefer) and see if we are suited to having a mentoring relationship. Our choice, either can say yes or no. If it is a yes from both of us, then we arrange a second meeting and so on. If it is a no from either of us, then we enjoy our chat and move on. No judgements.

What sort of things will we cover?

You talk about where you are in your life, what you want to achieve, what you have achieved, what you see as your challenges, what ideas you have.

I will listen, act as a sounding board and most likely make some suggestions. You will set yourself some goals, set actions to take and next time we will review your progress.

A little about me.

I have been a mentor for the past 10 years. I have worked in a variety of occupations including manufacturing, nursing, sales and senior management. I have a business degree, a masters in business, plus other qualifications. I continue to study.

My interests are reading, personal finance, music (listening not playing), bushwalking, learning, martial arts, exercise and enjoying life.

What do I get out of it?

The satisfaction of sharing my knowledge and helping someone along the way.

What do you get out of it?

That is entirely up to you.


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